Image of Maggy  Troup

Maggy Troup

Maggy is a bodyworker, massage therapist, educator, entrepreneur and CBD advocate. With a degree in Kinesiology, Maggy specializes in helping her clients connect with their bodies and relieve their pain through customized treatments so that they can live in the body they desire. She pulls from a wide range of sports and medical massage techniques paired with powerful anti-inflammatory and pain relieving topicals. She has taught and developed curriculum in Sports Massage, Advanced Anatomy, and therapeutic massage practices and in 2021 she co-founded MATCH CANNA. They help provide relief from chronic pain, inflammation and anxiety through consciously-sourced and luxurious hemp derived products. Through both private practice and in conjunction with medical professions such as physical therapists and chiropractors, she has worked with hundreds of clients over the past two decades. After more than 20 years of working closely with people who experience chronic pain symptoms, it’s with this experience she is dedicated to challenging the way we address chronic pain and to rethink the way we approach those with pain.

